At Moor Green Primary Academy, our art and design curriculum is designed and adapted to engage, support and challenge all pupils from our diverse range of social and cultural backgrounds.
At Moor Green Primary Academy, our art and design curriculum is designed and adapted to engage, support and challenge all pupils from our diverse range of social and cultural backgrounds. It is designed to give all pupils, particularly the most disadvantaged and pupils with SEND, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. It is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment. Over time, they will have the opportunity to communicate what they see, feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern and different materials. We aim to give our pupils tactile and sensory experiences, building confidence in creativity and stimulating imagination.
In EYFS, teachers enrich pupils’ understanding of techniques, materials and design and pupils have open access to a wide range of materials with which to explore their creative skills. Through a combination of carefully planned adult led and play based sessions, they are explicitly taught skills such as drawing, clay sculpture and model making. Their vocabulary skills are developed so that they can use everyday language to describe design, colour, symmetry and creative choices.
In Key Stage One, pupils are introduced to a variety of techniques which they are encouraged to explore and experiment with. Pupils use real life experiences and out-door learning to create a range of work and take inspiration from a range of well-known artists. They take leadership of their own creativity and develop their individuality through using drawing, painting and sculpture. Pupils begin to gain an understanding of tone, colour, and which equipment to use to create thicknesses in line and shapes.
During Key Stage Two, pupils build on previous skills and use experiences from other subjects across the curriculum, such as Computing, to incorporate Digital Art and Media. Pupils record and develop their ideas in sketchbooks to show their progression through their journey towards their final piece. Pupils are given the opportunity to critically evaluate their own work as well as peer assess. Through our curriculum, pupils enhance and master techniques, developing and refining skills they have learned. Skills such as stitching, shading and painting will be expanded on through this Key Stage with cross curricular opportunities. Pupils continue to take inspiration from artists, architects and designers throughout history.
Pupils leave Moor Green Primary Academy as confident artists, who are able to express themselves through various artistic avenues. They will have a deep understanding of the artistic world around them and will be able to seize future creative opportunities.

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