At Moor Green Primary Academy, our Geography curriculum is designed and adapted to engage, support and challenge all pupils from our diverse range of social and cultural backgrounds.
designed to give all pupils, particularly the most disadvantaged and pupils with SEND, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. It is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment. Learning opportunities in Geography engage pupils in a wide range of current and contemporary issues in society, providing them with the knowledge and skills to become fluent in geographical enquiry. The curriculum is coherently planned and systematically sequenced so that each year, pupils are exposed to rich and influential experiences that allow them to apply key geographical skills in real life situations.
At the beginning of their learning journey in EYFS, pupils gain an understanding of place and explore how their immediate environment might differ to others. Key geographical vocabulary is acquired through relevant learning experiences and language rich environments. Pupils in Key Stage One, develop their curiosity and understanding of the wider world around them in a variety of cross-curricular and creative ways. Pupils develop early fieldwork skills through active experiences in the local area and by investigating the local geography of the community. Pupils learn to present their own findings through a variety of presentational techniques with growing success.
Once pupils have mastered the skills at Key Stage One, pupils will connect new and existing knowledge and confidently apply their skills in geographical enquiry in a range of stimulating contexts. As they progress through Key Stage Two, learners will develop reasoned and well-balanced arguments to support their opinions and will confidently articulate these, both verbally and in writing. Pupils become confident using a range of concrete resources and technology to discover the world and use this to follow lines of geographical enquiry. Knowledge acquired inside the classroom is applied in a range of challenging and real life fieldwork experiences. Cross-curricular skills are drawn upon as pupils collect data and analyse statistics to reach their own conclusions. These geographical skills are systematically developed and embedded throughout pupils’ time at school.
Students leave Moor Green with the resilience and understanding that will allow them to thrive and flourish in future learning and employment. Pupils will have an in depth understanding of a range of local and global issues, and the fluency in geographical enquiry that will support and motivate them to reach their academic, technical and vocational ambitions.

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