Our unique and bespoke Writing Curriculum is designed and adapted to engage, support and challenge all pupils from a range of backgrounds and with a range ability.
The skills of writing are coherently planned and sequenced within an engaging, language rich curriculum, which enables children to leave school with the sufficient knowledge and skills required for future learning. Children begin their writing journey by developing their basic writing skills, acquiring skills and strategies they need to be able to write correctly punctuated sentences, and sequences of sentences.
Once pupils have mastered the basic skills, during Key Stage One, children will develop their ability to analyse the structure of whole model texts, paragraphs and sentences as well as identifying and analysing how the author’s use of language and grammar helps the reader to understand. Children will use this understanding of organising writing appropriately when planning their own texts.
These skills are developed further throughout Key Stage Two where pupils will actively develop their command of vocabulary through high-quality, language rich model texts, which will enable them to critically evaluate authors’ use of language and the impact it has on the reader, justifying their ideas and will be able to make their own interpretations of a text, offering their views in discussions and making meaningful connections with their wider world knowledge.
These writing skills are continually developed throughout each year group, alongside progressive and well-sequenced spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons, to ensure pupils connect new and existing knowledge and apply their skills in new contexts.
Pupils will leave for the next stage in their education as confident writers having been introduced to influential experiences and texts about people and places, which motivate them to live their lives to the full.

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