At Moor Green Primary Academy, our Computing curriculum is designed and adapted to engage, support and challenge all pupils from our diverse range of social and cultural backgrounds.
It is designed to give all pupils, particularly the most disadvantaged and pupils with SEND, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. It is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment. Through our Computing curriculum, our pupils learn to participate, create and collaborate through the medium of technology confidently so that they can become active, global citizens. We recognise that confidence with computing is vital in today’s ever-changing society and aim to inspire our pupils to create the technology of the future. Throughout their time at school, pupils’ motivation to use technology will be nurtured by staff by introducing them to a wide range of hardware, software and online applications safely, and ensuring that they behave online with the same ethical and moral integrity as they would use in their daily lives.
The skills of computing are coherently planned and sequenced through an ambitious curriculum with high and equal expectations which enable pupils to leave Moor Green Primary Academy with the knowledge and skills for future learning. Pupils begin their journey in Early Years and Key Stage One by systematically acquiring skills and strategies to use hardware to flourish into increasingly fluent, confident users of technology working within an enabling, safe environment. Once pupils have become fluent with the initial functions of hardware, they will develop skills in communication through using applications for word processing and writing simple coded programmes. Alongside a comprehensive and clear understanding of online safety, pupils will develop confidence when using trusted sites to search for reliable information.
These skills will further develop throughout Key Stage Two where pupils will enjoy using a wide range of coding languages to innovatively solve problems and accomplish set goals using logical reasoning. They will understand how networks are formed and recognise the importance of their digital footprint and the implications for future opportunities. Through a detailed understanding of online safety, pupils will confidently locate unbiased information, communicate ideas and manipulate data through a wide range of programmes and present it meaningfully to connect, inform and inspire others.
Pupils will leave Moor Green Primary Academy as confident and fluent users of technology with an exceptional level of understanding about how technology impacts and shapes lives with the motivation to create, inspire and communicate with others in a digital context safely which will motivate them to live their lives to the full.

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