Hear directly from parents who share their experiences with Moor Green Primary Academy as they reflect on the positive impact our school has had on their children's lives and their family's educational adventure.
"Moor Green is an outstanding learning environment, the teachers and support staff are friendly, knowledgeable and approachable. During their time at the school, my children have enjoyed a diverse range of activities; days out to various locations from the seaside to the Space Centre. Sports clubs, events and competitions, and 11Before11 activities (giving the children 11 fantastic experiences before they turn 11) such as riding a large animal!
Childhood should be a magical time, and Moor Green certainly offers something special in that sense, that little bit of added magic that can be found in the woods at Forest School, and in the gardens - my daughter in year 4 is currently planting produce which will be nurtured, tended to and eventually be used by her class to create a freshly cooked meal.
Moor Green also has an incredible sense of community (rooted in the friendly and active PTA!), and I feel very fortunate that my family have been part of this community for the past 6 years."
Helen Fage (parent to pupils in years 4 and 6).
“In our 7 years (so far) at Moor Green our experience of the school has been brilliant. The senior leadership team have always been approachable with whatever small concerns we've had. They've always made us feel heard in a kind and dignified way. Our children have greatly benefited from the nurturing environment at the school. The school’s (Moor) green ethos and philosophy for children lessons really enhance the children’s thinking and communication skills and boost their confidence and self-esteem. The schools balance between nurturing and the amazing progress kids make academically is astounding. When our daughter spread her wings and flew off to secondary school this summer, she was well prepared for the next stage of her journey. Moor Green had helped to make her a confident, well adjusted, mature and eager learner. “
The Hopkins Family