At Moor Green Primary Academy, our Personal, Social, Health and Economic offer is threaded throughout our curriculum.
It has been designed to suit the needs of our diverse community and supports our statement of intent: To ‘enrich lives and unlock potential’. We aim to develop our pupils into healthy, independent and responsible members of society who play a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. Our curriculum is broad, balanced, engaging and supported by high quality resources.
The key aims of our curriculum are that children:
- Know the importance of a healthy diet and lead healthy lifestyles.
- Have access to a wide, rich set of experiences.
- Recognise online and offline risks to their wellbeing.
- Understand respect for different faiths and cultural diversity.
- Have opportunities to contribute positively to society.
- Be provided with a wide range of opportunities to nurture, stretch and develop their talents and interests.
- Be provided with roles and responsibilities to understand how to be an active citizen.
- Be provided with opportunities to experience a range of events and celebrations.
- Understand how to keep themselves safe, both emotionally and physically.
These aims are achieved through special scheduled events, online in-person workshops from external specialist providers, weekly Philosophy for Children lessons, daily reflection time, weekly assemblies, initiatives, the 11 BEFORE 11 programme, the RE curriculum, our Forest School programme, our core beliefs, and the behaviour policy.
In addition to this, our Relationships and Health Education curriculum provides children with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their well-being, health and relationships.
The curriculum has been organised in line with the statutory requirements and considers the views of teachers, pupils and parents. We have organised a curriculum that is appropriate for the age and developmental stages of pupils within each year group.
We are dedicated to ensuring our curriculum meets the needs of the whole-school community; therefore, the curriculum is informed by issues in the school and wider community to ensure it is tailored to pupils’ needs and to ensure our pupils develop the confidence and independence to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.

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