We have 3 layers of governance in REAch2: local governing bodies which oversee individual schools, cluster boards who oversee each cluster and our Board of Trustees who are ultimately accountable to the Department for Education for the running of the Trust.

All our schools share the same governance structure. You can find information about the trust on the REAch2 website at www.reach2.org.  The Governance page gives details of how the Trust is organised, including the Articles of Association, the Master Funding Agreement and all the documents which relate to how the Trust was founded and how it runs today.  You can also find details of who our trustees are.

Our school, like most schools in the Trust, has a local governing body (LGB).  There are terms of reference, which detail how the LGB should work and what its responsibilities are.  On the REAch2 website, terms of reference are available for all our boards, including the Trust Board.  You can also find documents which show how all the different layers communicate and how responsibility and accountability is distributed.

Governance in our school

The LGB holds meetings during the year in which they help to support the school, its leadership and pupils, whilst challenging to make sure that everyone achieves as much progress as they can and should.

Our school’s LGB is made up of trust-appointed members, who are volunteers, parents, staff and the headteacher.  They can invite other members of staff into meetings to discuss current issues.  You can find out about our governors below.  They must declare that they are working for the school in an open and honest way and so fill in declarations of interests form annually, and declarations of interest is an item on every LGB meeting agenda.

The LGB also works alongside a cluster board where cluster-wide issues are discussed.  The Cluster Board is made up of volunteers, just like an LGB, head teachers and chairs of governors.  There is also a central team with officers and business partners who specialise in providing support in areas such as finance, HR, health and safety, estates and governance.

We must share this information with you about our governors and governance:

  • REAch2 Trust website
  • The local governing body’s terms of reference, detailed as an appendix in the Trust Scheme of Delegation
  • Our governors’ names, date of appointment, term of office, who appointed them and roles and responsibilities on the LGB
  • Our governors’ declarations of interests
  • Our governors’ attendance at meetings during the last academic year
  • Names, date of appointment, date stepped down, who appointed them, declarations and attendance of those governors’ who have left in the last 12 months.
  • Click on the link to find information about Governance at Moor Green Primary Academy, including membership and Declarations of Interest.

The People Behind The Scenes

Chair of Governors

Laura Slegg-Newton


Rose Alyas

Governors appointed by the Trust Board

Tracey Begum (Vice Chair)

Kristina Gruzdeva

Zarah-Javid Taylor

Gerard Egan


Co-opted Governors

Laura Slegg-Newton

Gerard Egan

Parent Governor

Zarah Taylor

Staff Governors

Nikki Bird – Teaching

Jenette Randle – non-teaching

LGB Membership can be found here.

Laura Slegg-Newton, Chair of Governors can be contacted via enquiry@moorgreenacademy.org

The Governing Body Publication of Data can be found here

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