Here's everything you need to know about our school uniform.
It is our expectation that all children wear school uniform. This consists of the following:
- plain white shirt or polo shirt
- green sweatshirt or cardigan with or without school logo
- grey or black trousers or skirt
- grey or black tights
- grey or black shorts
Smart flat black shoes or black trainers
It is essential to label any clothing so that it can be returned to its rightful owner if lost.
School sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts and fleeces can be purchased online at Kids Essentials or instore, High Street, Northfield, Birmingham, B31 2NN.
Free second-hand uniform is available from Rubery Schools Community Swop Shop 224 New Road, Rubery B45 9JH.
We also keep spare uniform in school. If you are ever struggling to provide uniform for your child(ren), please speak to a member of the team and we will find a way to help.
Physical Education
PE is part of the National Curriculum and is therefore compulsory. PE kit consists of the following:
- Plain white t-shirt
- Plain black shorts or sports trousers
- Black pumps
- Black trainers are permitted for outdoor PE
PE kit should be worn into school on PE days.
Jewellery and Valuable Items
We prefer jewellery not to be worn in school as it can be dangerous when children are playing or doing P.E. We also strongly discourage children from bringing valuable items to school. These can easily be lost, and the school cannot accept any responsibility for jewellery or any other valuable items that are brought into school without prior arrangement.
Earrings must not be worn for health and safety reasons, but simple ear studs are allowed if there is no alternative.
Necklaces are discouraged but the school acknowledges circumstances where they may be related to religious or cultural reasons. In these instances, the issue must be discussed the Headteacher. The school takes no responsibility for loss and/or damage to any item of jewellery worn to school.
Hairstyles should be appropriate for the purposes of school. Long hair should be tied back wherever possible for health and safety reasons.
For swimming lessons, long hair should be covered with a swimming cap.

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